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Book Description:

Hector Gloop wants another piece of poop for his collection… but it's going to be harder than ever to get his hands on it. Zookeeper Bob and his zoo crew set out to help Hector on his quest to find the elusive dinosaur poop. When they get stranded on a mysterious island, they can't believe their luck until some hungry-looking dinosaurs show up. Can they find their poop-shaped reward? Or will they end up as dinosaur food? The third installment of the Poo in Poo series.

Book Information:

Author: Smallman, Steve & Gray, Ada
Publisher: Little Tiger Press
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 01/09/2022
ISBN: 9781801042994
B Code: B065017
Illustrated: Illustrated
Pages: 32
Dimensions: 280x245mm

Product Additional Details:

Product Barcode:

Product SKU: 9781801042994

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