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How is postpartum sexual reluctance treated?


  • How is postpartum sexual reluctance treated?

Couples who were passionate about their sexual life before having children, postpartum sexual reluctance can live. Expert Psychologist Aycan Bulut states that every marriage can be experienced. postpartum sexual reluctance He shares his expert knowledge about to strengthen the foundations of a happy marriage. postpartum sexual reluctance It gives the secrets of coping.

  • What causes postpartum sexual reluctance?

Birth Sexual reluctance may occur in many women who breastfeed and start breastfeeding. This is because breastfeeding produces a high level of prolactin hormone. This hormone has the feature of reducing sexual desire. In other words, prolactin, which is secreted at a high rate in the postpartum period, puts pressure on the hormones estrogen and androgen, which have an important role in sexuality. In this case, it causes women to experience a coldness towards sexuality. Especially new mothers who have had a problematic breastfeeding period and who have problems with low milk supply can be unhappy and depressed because they think that they are not enough for their babies. Believing that they cannot feed their baby, these mothers focus only on feeding the baby. For this reason, mothers who experience psychological changes as well as hormonal changes after giving birth should not be insistent on sexuality.

  • Does body change affect sexuality?

Pregnancy The fact that women who have gone through the process of pregnancy and have just given birth think that their bodies have changed is among the other reasons that negatively affect sexuality. Because the weight gained during pregnancy and the thought that the body is deteriorated can disrupt the psychology of women. Appropriate exercise program after 6 weeks postpartum and diets that can be applied within the framework of expert advice following breastfeeding can help new mothers lose weight.

  • Is it only women who have sexual reluctance?

In fact, both parents loss of sexual desire visible. However, mothers may not want to take care of anything other than their babies. It can be said that other reasons can trigger the sexual reluctance experienced by women after childbirth. Because mothers who have a new baby spend most of the day with their baby and they cut off everything except the baby's needs. As they spend all their available energies for their babies, they can get tired both physically and spiritually. Mothers who want to be alone and rest in the time left with their babies may therefore want to stay away from sex.

  • How long does postpartum sexual reluctance last?

First of all, it should be known that postpartum sexual reluctance seen in women is considered normal. However, the prolongation of this reluctance process can pave the way for some serious problems. Studies on this subject have shown that 21 percent of women experience complete reluctance after giving birth, and 20 percent of them have a decrease in their sexual desire during the first 3 months.

  • When does postpartum sexual reluctance end?

90 percent of women who become new mothers experience anxiety about sexuality. The question of "when can I start having sex again" is one of the questions that preoccupy the minds of mothers who have given birth. Active sexual life can be returned to the 6th week after birth. However, in the first times of sexual life, a dryness may be encountered in the vagina compared to the past due to the decreased estrogen hormone. In order to solve this problem and make intercourse easier, the use of lubricant gel during intercourse may be preferred. One of the most common postpartum problems is that men expect more sexual intercourse than women. But during this period, men need to approach their wives who are experiencing hormonal changes with understanding.

  • How is sexual reluctance in women treated?

The first 40 days after birth, called puerperium, is a healing process for mothers. Women believe that sexual intercourse will often be physically painful during this period when they are trying to recover physically, spiritually and emotionally. During this time, men should be patient with their wives and support them.

  • How should the mother be approached after birth?

In the postpartum period, family elders should be understanding as well as spouses. Negative criticisms that will make new mothers unhappy should not be made. In addition, family elders should give time to the newly formed family, should not interfere too much with the mother's relationship with her baby and should not create too much crowd in the house. New fathers should actively support the care of the baby. Feeling the support of their spouse, new mothers can thus restore their relationship. However, if the mother's negative behaviors, the duration and severity of her feelings increase despite all these supports, a specialist should be consulted.

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