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Can breastfeeding mothers drink rosemary tea?

Some herbal teas help increase and increase the quality of breast milk of the mother during breastfeeding. However, some can have the opposite effect, causing a decrease in milk supply. Therefore, you should research thoroughly before drinking any herbal tea. Rosemary tea during breastfeeding As long as you pay attention to the amount, it can provide you many benefits.

Benefits of rosemary tea:

  • It facilitates digestion and is good for digestion.
  • It prevents anemia and jaundice.
  • It helps to remove toxins.
  • It reduces stress.

Rosemary tea, which has many more benefits in breastfeeding mothers no side effects were observed. Recommended sizes during breastfeeding rosemary tea Drinking it also supports the increase of your milk.

How to prepare rosemary tea?

Put a teaspoon of dried rosemary leaves in water and boil it. You can drink it after 10 minutes.

How much rosemary tea can nursing mothers drink?

Nursing mothers can drink up to two cups of rosemary tea a day. Do not forget to drink a large glass of water with you. Because rosemary tea helps to remove toxins and is a strong diuretic, your body can become dehydrated.

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