
Beware of Counterfeit Products!

Sorry, we do not provide any guarantee of authenticity and technical service for any Smiggle brand product you purchase from our Dinossi Stores or outside of our website.

We recommend that you do not buy from places that do not have Dinossi or Dinossi logo, especially those sold on the internet where there are few or no inspections such as marketplaces.

Products sold here are not included in the Dinossi Guarantee, we cannot verify the authenticity of these products.

Dinossi is a global business serving more than 110 million users in 79 countries. It has stores in Turkey and same day delivery services.

In addition to these, Dinossi offers both authenticity guarantee for all Smiggle branded products with its own assurance and provides free technical service for the products. Only Dinossi provides technical service for the Smiggle brand.

Especially in social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, Imported from England within 10-15 days or delivery within 10-15 days or immediate delivery, all of the products in your purchases from places that do not pay tax on individual sales are out of dinossi assurance. Never shop from such places. As Dinossi, always choose the best price and warranty service in the Smiggle brand.

Report Counterfeit Product Sales

Attention to Counterfeit Products!

Authenticity Guarantee and Technical Service of Smiggle Branded Products are valid for the products you will purchase from our Dinossi Stores or Online Site. Please read the details.
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