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How is spring allergy treated during pregnancy?

Spring has come, pollen and dust began to fly in the air. However, spring allergies also manifest themselves. Spring allergies, which are difficult to deal with, are the nightmare of pregnant women the most. So, how to treat spring allergies during pregnancy? As the High Heels team, we explain to expectant mothers ways to prevent or reduce spring allergies during pregnancy.

Take precautions for spring allergies during pregnancy!

In spring, pollens and dust that start flying in the air cause allergies. Spring allergy manifests itself with symptoms such as runny nose, eye redness and itching. Spring allergies cause problems for most people, pregnant women It may become a bigger problem for you. The body secretes some chemicals to remove harmful substances that cause allergies. However, in pregnancyThe secretion of these substances becomes difficult. Therefore, to prevent allergies or reduce their symptoms during pregnancy, it is necessary to pay attention to some issues:

Try to avoid being in wooded areas such as parks and gardens during periods when pollen levels are high.

When you come home after spending time outside, change your clothes and take a shower immediately.

Be careful not to hang your clothes outside to dry during the spring months when pollen levels are high.

If you have an allergy, you should avoid opening windows too often during the spring months. Instead, you can take advantage of air conditioning. However, the point to be considered in this regard is that the air conditioner is cleaned very well. Otherwise, the microbes inside the air conditioner may cause other diseases.

Is allergy testing done during pregnancy?

If your allergy symptoms have increased and you do not know the cause, you can have an allergy test. Don't forget to consult your doctor before getting tested.

If your allergy has become severe and interferes with your daily routines, you should consult your doctor before using medication. nasal congestionYou can choose natural methods to solve problems such as headaches. You can also use sprays for nasal congestion.

You have learned how to treat spring allergies during pregnancy. Read our other articles about pregnancy:

Ways to prevent illness during pregnancy

5 golden rules for nutrition during pregnancy

Plants that should not be consumed during pregnancy

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