Child Development, @TR

Attention: Your child is imitating you!


Do you complain about your child's bad habits? A behavior that upsets you is 'He attracted his father's family!' Do you explain? Sad but true: You need to look at yourself before placing the blame on someone else because your child is imitating you!

As children grow up, they prepare for life through imitation. Experts point out that children learn everything through behavior, starting from the imitation period at the age of 3 until they become adults. He states that parents, who are primary role models, can show children the truth by setting an example not with their words but with their actions.

Children tend to imitate the behaviors of those around them while forming their personalities, from the play age to the rule-based education period and interaction with the social environment. Children, who need a role model while preparing for life, acquire good or bad behavior in this way. In the February issue of Green Crescent Magazine, why individuals need a role model and the importance of a role model in preventing addictions were discussed. Psychologist and Family Counselor Özgül Bebek Bozkuş, who gave information to Yeşilay Magazine on the subject, states that children's exposure to the right people as role models has a positive impact on their personality and life in later ages.

Stating that parents should first set the right example for their children with their behavior in order to raise individuals who are at peace with themselves and their environment, Bozkuş said that in the age of rule-based learning, children acquire habits with rules, and in the following period, they learn to value their teachers, friends, any character on television or the social environment where the family is located. He points out that he is trying to look like a sighted person. Stating that if the child has good models in front of him, a healthy personality will be formed, Bozkuş says that if he is with a bad role model, the child begins to absorb his negative aspects without realizing it.


Families should be conscious of the right role model

Reminding that a role model can also be a character in the cartoon the child watches, Psychologist Bozkuş gives the following information: “Children can take family relatives around them, cartoon characters or famous people they watch on television as role models; He may want to talk like them, dress like them, and implement their lifestyle in his own life. These are effective in shaping the child's personality development. A mother constantly explained that while raising her child, one should not smoke or tell lies. But if he himself smokes or lies, the child will do what the mother does, not what he is told. The effects of parents on their children can never be discussed. “Families need to be aware of the good or bad role models that children unknowingly receive from the outside world.”

The child learns everything through behavior until he becomes an adult

In the February issue of the Green Crescent Magazine, where it is emphasized that parents should continue to educate themselves while trying to educate their children about addictions, experts recommend that families and teachers be good observers of addictions and receive training on how to behave when they encounter a problem. Experts say that celebrities are strong role models regarding addiction and point out that the media has a great responsibility when reporting news about celebrities.


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