How Do We Support?

Dinossi helps our children to have a better education life on your behalf by transferring some of your purchases to AÇEV without separating the order amount.

If you wish, you can also provide individual support to AÇEV.

What is AÇEV Doing?

For kids

Ülkemizde, 0-6 yaş arası dilimdeki çocuk sayısı 9 milyona yakın… Bunlardan 4.9 milyonu en yoksul %40’lık dilimdeki hanelerde yaşıyor. 0-6 yaş arasında çocuğu olan annelerin %71.5’i, babaların da en fazla %60.1’i ortaokul mezunu…
As AÇEV, we work to reduce social inequalities and especially the transmission of inequalities between generations through Early Childhood Education interventions targeting the needy population. Based on the fact that the first years of life are decisive for the future of the child, we develop and implement educational programs for children and parents at an early age.

In addition to face-to-face training, we also deliver our training to parents and pre-school teachers via the internet and mobile applications.

For Parents

Early childhood period is a period of extraordinary opportunities for children to grow up well… Children supported by their parents during this special period of time become happier, healthier and more successful individuals in the future. It contributes more to developing and living together as a society. As AÇEV, we empower parents to support their children's development with our parent trainings for different socioeconomic target groups and age groups.

For women

Adult literacy today; It covers all the skills that can respond to globalization, advances in communication technology, economic, political and social transformations… It includes environmental awareness, workplace, health and media literacy.

As AÇEV, we have restructured the work we have been carrying out for illiterate women in our country for many years in this direction.

With the program we have developed under the name of “Meetings Full of Life” as of 2016, we work to empower young women and to be more active in life, and support them with new skills.


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