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What causes gas pain during pregnancy?

Almost every person has gas problems during the day. Although this is considered a normal condition, gas can be a bit more painful in a pregnant woman. Many mothers even went to the hospital with the feeling of giving birth. We guess what a painful process it is.

A person produces an average of 1 – 2 liters of gas per day and expels gas 15-20 times. As we said, it can be more frequent and painful during pregnancy, especially in the first months. increased since the first months of pregnancy gas pain, a painful process for a pregnant woman. But don't worry. When we know what gas pain is, it will be easier for us to pass it on.

Why Does Gas Strain Occur?


Gas is formed in two ways. The first is due to air swallowing, and the second is due to the burning of the undigested food by the bacteria. Most of the food becomes digestible by burning first in the stomach and then in the small intestine. Foods called gas-forming foods reach the large intestine without being fully digested and are broken down by the bacteria there. It causes gas and bloating. In pregnant women, gas can occur even because of the simplest thing. For example; Air swallowed while chewing gum can cause gas formation and subsequent gas pains. The prevalence of progesterone in the body of pregnant women also plays an important role in gas. Progesterone slows down the digestive process, creating a feeling of bloating and gas distress.

gas while pregnant and we have a few suggestions for bloating.

Food Selection

The foods you eat may have a direct relationship with gas. Especially diet soda and artificial sweeteners play an active role in gas formation. Other gas-forming foods can be listed as follows.

Beans, cabbage, onions, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, corn; fruits such as pears, apples, plums and peaches; whole grain products and oats; milk, ice cream and cheese; Carbonated drinks and fruit juices (especially carbonated drinks) can generally cause gas in people. In addition, certain foods have a personal impact. Again, for more information, you can take a look at the 10 nutrients that should be consumed during pregnancy.

Take Notes

If you experience gas trouble more often than usual, make a note of what you eat by meal. At least you can have an idea about what food you eat and gas. The thing you should not forget is; It takes about 6 hours for a meal you eat to come out as gas. In other words, when you have gas, it is the food of the previous meal, not the previous meal you ate.

It's Important to Move

Some people experience gas distress more often. Looking at the above foods and asking, "What, let's not eat anything?" you might think. Therefore, acting like walking after meals will prevent gas from bloating inside. It will make you gas more easily.

Mobilize Legs When Stuck

If gas pains are bothering you a lot, sit down where you can lift your legs. This will put pressure on the baby's legs and ease your digestion. Also, take care to wear loose clothes due to the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy. Tight clothes can weigh you down with your bloated abdomen, making you more squeamish.

Don't Skip Meal

If you are eating 3 main meals a day, you can add snacks by reducing your meals. In this way, you can ensure that the main meals are digested less, without overloading the digestive system.

Eat Sitting Down

Make sure to chew your food thoroughly while eating. Eat while sitting, not standing. It will make it easier for you to digest.

If your gas pains are frequent and still continue, consult your doctor.

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