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Shop What's New Sign inYou can apply for a wholesale application to Dinossi by clicking the Apply Wholesale button below and filling out the relevant form. Applications can only be made via the form below.
We sell some brands have distributor in your country We want you to know that we are in the position, you can see the brands you can apply for in the application form.
Depending on the application density in your country, it may sometimes take us a long time to respond to you. However, do not worry, one of our representatives will definitely send you a positive or negative e-mail.
As Dinossi, we sell entirely to local companies or commercial companies that have more than one store in the same country. So you have to become a company, or you have to establish a commercial company without purchasing your product. If you are going to sell the products outside the current country, you will be exempt from tax and you must document this situation.
Alışverişini tamamladığını fark ettik. :( Bu duruma üzüldük. Senin için güzel bir süprizimiz olabilir, istersen aşağıya mail adresini yaz ve gönder bir kaç dakika sonra mail kutunu kontrol et, sepetindeki ürünler için sana sevimli hediyemizi bekle deriz :=)
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