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What is engagement bleeding during pregnancy?

pregnancy-nutrition-dietWhat is engagement haemorrhage when engagement comes?

In direct proportion to the development of the baby, there is a serious pressure on the cervix. Thanks to this plug, which allows the baby to spend the 9-month period in the mother's womb in the best way, it causes you to have a safe pregnancy. Now, when it fills the average of 9 months and 10 days and enters the uterine tract, this plug throws itself and the bleeding that occurs is called engagement. It has been prepared by utilising the information below.

How exactly is the arrival of the engagement?

Especially during pregnancy, the development of the baby occurs rapidly with the 2nd month. Of course, this plays a leading role in the formation of a serious resistance to the uterus. Therefore, in order for the baby not to fall and pass this phase without any problems, a plug is formed that prevents the cervix from opening. This plug is really the most important main actor for a mother-to-be to feel safe.

What is the process of engagement bleeding?

This is completely related to the approach of the moment of birth. In general, it is the name of the blood accumulated in the uterus coming out with the self-excretion of the plug in the engagement mouth. However, this situation can also bring many question marks to your mind. When it comes to engagement bleeding, it is highly likely that the birth will occur within 24 hours at the latest. However, sometimes this period can last for several days or weeks. The most important factor here is that when you have this fluid flow, which is popularly referred to as engagement, you should definitely inform your doctor and get information about what needs to be done.


Does the engagement bring with it pain or soreness?

This is a different situation for each pregnant woman. In other words, it would not be a very healthy information sharing to say that you will definitely feel a pain or pain in order to have engagement bleeding. This is partly related to the physical structure of your baby and the pressure exerted on the cervix. This fluid flow situation, which occurs before birth, can extend to the expulsion of the plug itself during full labour. Both situations are frequently encountered during a pregnancy period. However, in general, pregnant women whose engagement has come are giving birth in as little as 1 day.

What colour is the engagement fluid?

We now know that there is an engagement in women who are ready for birth. Well, what colour does this engagement generally have? In general, this discharge is bloody and dark in colour. After the plug is opened with a red or dark pink colour, liquid may come out. You should also know that this discharge is in some form.

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What is a brief description of engagement haemorrhage?

We would like to say that it is definitely among the most important symptoms for pregnant women to become ready for birth. If you are a woman who has entered your 9th month and is expecting to give birth at any moment, you should know that you will give birth in a short time thanks to this discharge, which is not seen in everyone but may happen to you. Of course, it is extremely important that all this is under the control and supervision of your doctor in order for everything to go well. You will also have the first news of a healthy baby with engagement bleeding. If you are pregnant, do not forget that you should take it naturally whether you have this discharge or not.

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